Bible Study and Sunday School
We begin our Sunday worship with a time of Bible Study and fellowship. There are several adult age classes to choose from. Join us at 9:45 am to grow in knowledge about God and Christian life.
Discipleship Training
While our focus is on how to make disciples that make disciples, we also take time to pray for and encourage each other. This is a very relaxed and conversational format that allows for many questions and GREAT discussion!
Contact us for more information. We look forward to seeing you.
Women’s Ministry
Women of the church meet Wednesday evening at 6:30 for our weekly Bible Study. We discuss issues important to Christian women and family life. Our women’s group is very missions oriented so expect to be challenged as you grow in your walk with the Lord!
Men’s Ministry
FBC men gather regularly to learn about Biblical Leadership in the world and in their families. We discuss issues unique to men in a secure yet open environment. We also pray for and encourage each other. A great choice for men 14 years of age and older.